Knowing what kind of maintenance tractor tires need and when they need it isn’t always obvious. That is why Tatum Motor Company has created this helpful guide to make tractor tire maintenance easy for anyone to understand.

Signs That Tractor Tires Need Maintenance

Every once in a while, you should inspect your tires. First, make sure the tire has not become deflated. Then, check the tire’s surface for cuts, bulges, or cracks that have sprung up due to dryness. Though these might seem like merely aesthetic flaws, they can actually be an indication of deeper problems that should be addressed as soon as possible before they become much worse. Finally, look for excessive or uneven tread wear, which can indicate that your tires are misaligned or could be under or over-inflated.

Tire Maintenance Tips

Your tractor’s ownership manual holds a wealth of information regarding maintenance, and this includes a lot of important things you should know before doing service on the tires. For example, the manual is typically the place to look if you want to know the right tire pressure for your tractor’s tires. It will also let you know what tools you will need before you begin tire maintenance.

There are a couple of basic things you can do to extend your tire’s life, such as regularly checking the tire pressure and avoiding putting too much strain on the tires by overloading your tractor. We also recommend cleaning your tractor and tires every so often to help spot potential problems before they happen.

We here at Tatum Motor Company hope this information helps you with all of your tractor tire maintenance needs. For more information or to view our tractor models in stock, visit our dealership in Anderson, Missouri, or our other dealership in Tontitown, Missouri. We are conveniently located within an hour’s drive of communities like Fayetteville and Rodgers.